Protectus Healthcare

Personal Insurance: Knowing your policies

When it comes to personal insurance, it can be difficult to know exactly what policy meets your needs and requirements. Whether you’re single, married or have a family, everyone’s circumstances and needs are different which means finding the right personal insurance policy can be a bit of a task. Let’s take a look at a […]

Sensible Drinking: Staying safe over the festive period

As we draw closer to the festive period filled with Christmas parties and celebrations, sensible drinking is something that we should all be thinking about. Sensible drinking means not drinking more than the recommended levels of alcohol each week and knowing when enough is enough. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that […]

Cold and Flu Season: What precautions to take

As we reach the colder months, cold and flu is cropping up more and more. Whilst it’s easy to catch a cold without even realising, there are precautions and steps that you can take to lower your chances of catching colds and flu. Let’s take a look at just some of the ways that you […]

Healthy Heart: The key to a healthy you

By having a healthy lifestyle you will be able to take great care of your body, and the more you take care of yourself, the easier it will be to ensure you have a healthy heart. There are many ways that you can sustain a healthy heart, most of which require little effort, but have […]

Insuring what matters

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