Demand For Employee Health Insurance Climbing Dramatically: Here’s Why You Need To Jump On The Bandwagon
In recent times gone by, when it came to employee benefits, Private Medical Insurance (PMI) was often overlooked. But at Protectus Healthcare, the rate of enquiries from business owners around offering health insurance to staff as a benefit has never been higher. In today’s fast-paced, high-stress work environment, providing PMI to your employees can be […]
Myth-buster: Private health insurance is only for large corporates, not SMEs and start-ups
Corporate health insurance is no longer just for big corporations, as SMEs and start-ups make up a big portion of the market. However, there are so many myths out there that it’s not viable for small businesses to provide private health insurance for their employees, due to the sheer cost of it as well as […]
How to Stay Motivated: Key ways you can keep your team on top form
Your team might have every tool around them needed to help them in their job, however, they’ll struggle to tackle the big opportunities ahead if they don’t feel motivated. Knowing how to stay motivated and keep your team in high spirits is so incredibly important when it comes to reaching our goals in the long […]
Looking after your mind: Finding the right mental health service for you
Just this week on the 10th of October, you might have noticed that World Mental Health Day took place; a day for global mental health education, awareness and advocacy that gives individuals support in finding things such as the right mental health service for their needs. First celebrated in 1992 at the initiative of the […]