“No, not me!” – The value of Critical Illness Cover

Discover why it’s so important to take out Critical Illness Insurance and how it can benefit you and your family.
5 common myths about Private Health Insurance

1. Private Health Insurance is too expensive This is perhaps one of the biggest myths around Private Health Insurance; that it is too expensive! For many people, health insurance is viewed as a nice-to-have, especially as they have the NHS, and it is financially out of their reach. However, there are so many different variables […]
Cold and Flu Season: What precautions to take

As we reach the colder months, cold and flu is cropping up more and more. Whilst it’s easy to catch a cold without even realising, there are precautions and steps that you can take to lower your chances of catching colds and flu. Let’s take a look at just some of the ways that you […]
Healthy Heart: The key to a healthy you

By having a healthy lifestyle you will be able to take great care of your body, and the more you take care of yourself, the easier it will be to ensure you have a healthy heart. There are many ways that you can sustain a healthy heart, most of which require little effort, but have […]