When it comes to private health care, understanding exactly what cover is provided and how you can obtain the perfect policy that you’re certain meets your needs doesn’t always seem so simple. However, a little research and understanding will help you to make more informed decisions about the private health care policy you decide to take out for the future of both yourself and your family.
What’s included?
Primarily, private health care is designed to cover the cost of private medical treatment for acute conditions that are likely to respond quickly to treatment. Recently, policies have become more affordable and flexible to be able to suit your family’s needs and the same goes for what’s covered by the policy.
Typically, private health care will cover areas such as medical treatment, scans, surgical procedures and, in some policies, radiotherapy and chemotherapy to treat cancer. It’s important to note that private health care isn’t designed to cover you for every health issue that might occur; it covers treatment for acute conditions that may materialize after your policy begins. While basic policies cover essential treatments, more comprehensive policies may include specialist therapies such as acupuncture, chiropractor, osteopath or chiropody but this all depends on who your provider is and the types of cover that they offer.
It can be hard to navigate and understand exactly what is and isn’t covered in certain private health care policies, as it all comes down to how the policy is underwritten. If you’re unsure about underwriting when it comes to your policy you should seek out independent advice from a specialist broker in the field before settling on a policy.
How do I know what’s right for me?
Knowing exactly what policy you need, however, can be the challenge most people don’t want to face. Private health care doesn’t need to be expensive, as there are plenty of affordable plans available which can give you peace of mind that you’ll be well looked after in the event that you become ill. Most health insurers offer a range of private health care policies that are each designed to meet the individual needs of different people, so it’s all about selecting the policy that meets your unique requirements.
Depending on what stage of life you’re at, the type of policy you need should reflect your needs. If you’re living on your own, an individual private health care policy could be your best option. This policy will enable you to bypass lengthy NHS waiting times and receive treatment quickly should you become ill. Similarly, if you’re in a partnership, or married, joint private health care would be a suitable solution, where you will be offered peace of mind that should either of you require treatment it will be received promptly and at a hospital of your choice. If you feel your family starting to grow, a family private health care policy will provide cover for the whole family, ensuring that treatment is received quickly should the need arise.
What can Protectus do?
Private health care can seem like a complex area of insurance to understand. However, regardless of your individual requirements, it’s critical to ensure that you protect the future of you and your family’s health. Seeking expert advice tailored to you, can set you on the right track when it comes to selecting the perfect policy.
With our extensive expertise in this field and honest and transparent nature, we can easily simplify the private health care policy finding process to ensure that everything is set up as it should be so you’re not left with any nasty surprises. We hold one-to-one meetings with all of our clients to make sure you find the private health care policy that best meets you and/or your family’s needs. We can answer any queries you may have to ensure you have a full understanding of your policy’s underwriting. Alongside completing extensive market reviews to ensure the cover you get has everything you will need to carry on in uncertain times.
With over 20 years of experience, we make it our priority to find you the most suitable policy solutions. From private health care to income protection, we put your needs at the heart of what we do to ensure you get the perfect policy, first time. Get in touch to see how we can put your mind at ease over the good health of your family’s future.